Functional Medicine and Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease is complex and requires a comprehensive approach that looks at the BIG picture. Functional medicine goes beyond just masking surface level symptoms and dives deeper to uncover root causes of the individual’s autoimmune response.

Functional Medicine: Getting to the Root Cause

Identifying individual triggers is the goal in a Functional Medicine approach to autoimmunity. Multiple systems are involved in the dysregulation of the immune system. Each person has a unique multivariant process that is unique to their autoimmune condition. This is why 7 people with the same autoimmune diagnosis as in Graves’ disease can have 7 different reasons or processes that caused it. Functional Medicine addresses the individual unique underlying causes of autoimmune disease and is able to correct the underlying cause versus just treating and managing the symptoms.

Genes + Environmental Factors + Lifestyle = Immune System Imbalance / Autoimmune Disease

At the Total Health Center, we have a unique approach to autoimmune conditions. Using Functional Medicine, we can get to the root of your unique reasons for developing an autoimmune condition. During your free consultation you will learn how we have helped hundreds of people just like you understand and correct the root cause of many autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s, Graves’ Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, and many others.

During your initial workup, Dr. Scott will do the necessary detective work to fully understand your unique functional conditions that are contributing to your specific autoimmune condition. This is a huge value. Most people have had their condition diagnosed and been to a specialist who can tell them all about the disease and how to manage it with conventional treatment. But if you want to fully understand how you developed an autoimmune condition and what you can do to improve your health, we can help.